Addiction or Habit?

Episode 4 is Live!

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Read Time: 2 Minutes

We all say it. 

“I’m just so addicted to my phone”

There is freedom in admitting the powerlessness we feel to the devices we hold. Yet, we have to ask how that mindset is helping or hurting us. Is our collective acknowledgment of our struggle leading us to freedom or complacency? Is there a chance that you just have bad phone habits, but are accepting them because they are societally normative?

However you describe your dynamic with technology, we must admit that its impacting our relationships. Somehow we feel constantly “connected” and yet less close to those around us. Ever present, but filled with feelings of absence.

Are you satisfied with your relationship with your phone?

Thankfully, I know someone who can help. My friend and founder of Aro, Joey Odom came on “But I Tell Youto talk about memory making, and taking back time we’ve lost in our closest relationships. About how he grew fed up with missing moments with those he loved. How Christ’s desire for thriving relationships led him to invent a tool to be more present.

I hope this episode can be a huge encouragement to you. Click below to enjoy:

Grateful for you!

Tyler Gorsline

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